Saturday, September 29, 2007


ebaba - low, lowly
ebangelio - gospel
ebita - to avoid
echong - bent, crooked
echoñgña - side
echung - to distract
eda - soil
edad - age
edas - stage
eduka - to educate
edukasion - education
egaga - to inspect
egga' - watch, observe as spectator
eggo' - jealous
ehe - axis of a cart/wagon
ehekutibo - executive
ehemplo - example
ehetsisio - to drill (military)
ehetsita - to exercise
ehetsito - army, militia (milisia)
ehoñgui - irregular
ekahat - to hunt, pursue
ekibokasion - misunderstanding
eksakto - literal, exact
eksamina - to test, examine
ekspirensia - experience
ekungok - listen
elihe - to elect
embahadot - ambassador
embatka - to embark
embilikeru/a - a meddler, idler
embeste - mutiny, revolt, seizure
embidiosu/a - jealous, envious
emboskada - to ambush
embudo - funnel
emfetmera - nurse
emok - vengeance, retribution
empas - reconcile
empe - half, a piece
empeña - to try, lease
empeñao - zealous
empeño - energy
empeñoso - energetic
emperadot - emperor
empetuoso - irritable
empeya - fat
emplea - to invest, spend time
empleo - office
enagui - look!
enamorao - in love
enao - that
enao guatu - over there
enbano - unnecessarily
en bes di - instead of, in place of
enemigo - enemy
Eneru - January
engaño - trickery, deception
engatsa - to border
enhiniero - engineer
enkaha - to incase
enkatgao - appointed
enlugat di - in place of
eno - blanket
enredadot - slanderer
ensatta - to thread an needle
ensaya - trial, attempt
ensegida - salad
ensenada - cove, bay
ensigidas - right away, immediately
ensina - plum tree
entalo' - between, among
entalu'e - to interfere
entayag - thief
entenadu/a - step-son/step-daughter
enteramente - completely
entre - among, between
entrega - to surrender, yield, sacrifice
entrepulao - miscellaneous
entretanto - in the meantime, however
entre nasion siha - international
eñggrudo - paste
eñguiñg - ungrateful, thankless
epanglao - hunt for crabs
epidemia - plague
epok - to entice
epoka - era
esalao - shouting until hoarse, clamor
eskabeche - fried fish cooked with vegetables, to pickle
eskalefrio - cold shivers
eskama - scales (as on a fish)
eskandalo - scandal
eskandaloso - scandalous
eskapa - to run away
eskapulario - scapular
eskaso - deficiency
eskatlatina - scarlet fever
esklabitud - slavery
esklabo - slave
eskoba - broom
eskopeta - shotgun
eskoplo - chisel
eskribiente - clerk, writer
eskrupuloso/pinalalala - scrupulous
eskuela - school
eskuttot - sculptor
eskusa - to excuse
esfero - sphere, globe
esita - to joke
esitane/fababa - to bluff or deceive
eskina - corner (building)
esmero - eagerness
espada - sword
espanta - to scare away
espantao/luhan - scared
espanto - fright
Españot - Spanish
espedision - expedition
espehos - mirror
espeke - crowbar or lever
espia - look for, spy
espinaso - spine, backbone
espiniya - shank
espiritu - spirit
espitat - hospital
esplika - to explain
esplikaye - to interpret, translate
espoñha - sponge
esposision - exposition
espresa - to express in language
espuelas - spurs
essalao - shout
essena - scene
essitan - joke
esta - okay, ready
estaba - used to
establese - to establish
establesimiento - establishment
estado - territory
estague' - here is
estaka - stake, pole
estampa/litratu - picture
estañgka - to resist, dam
estaño - tin
estao - state of being
estasiones - seasons of the year
este - this
estensibo - estensive
esterit - sterile
estiende - to extend, expand
estila - to distill
estilo - style, fashion
estima - admire
estimao - highly regarded
estomagu - stomach
estoria - story
estotba - to prevent
estotbo - impediment
estrana - annoy, irritate
estranheru - stranger
estraño - unusual
estreyas - stars
estrikto - strict
estropea - to cripple
estudia - to learn
estudiante - student
estudion tataotao - anatomy
estufao - stew
ete/pacha - to touch
etigu - short
etiniñgo - unwise
etmana - nun
etnon - assemblage, gathering
etogo - small in growth
eyak - to imitate or study
eyok - pain from a wound

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