Saturday, September 29, 2007


na - that, the, which
na'abmam - to postpone
na'adingo - to sequester
na'adispatta - to disassemble
na'adotgan - to pierce through
na'afamaolek - to atone
na'agadon - to confuse
na'agaoli - to cross one's legs
na'ahustao - to adjust
na'ali - to insult
na'alibiao - to alleviate
na'an - name
na'ancho - to widen
na'animoso - to make stronger
na'anok - to discover
na'apaka - to whitewash
na'apaling - to wring out (as in a dishrag)
na'apo - to hold back
na'asegura - to assert
na'asentado - to accomodate
na'asgon - to soil
na'atarantao - to disunite
na'atborotao - troublesome
na'attilong - to blacken
na'atok - to conceal
na'atulaika - to barter or trade
na'aya - to forge, make equal
na'ayao - to borrow
nabaha - pocketknife, razorblade
nabegadot - navigator
nabelembao - to vibrate, to shake something
nabeste - to adorn
nabio - navy
naboka - to feed
nabrabo - to strengthen, enliven
nabubo - to provoke, make angry
nabubu - insolent
nabula - to fill up
nachaka - to snap, break
nachaddek - to hustle
nachalek - amusing, funny
nachaochao - to fluctuate
nachatguiya - despiser
nachathagong - to suffocate
nachathinasso - to embarrass
nachatpago - to deface, disfigure
nachatsaga - to annoy, outrage
nachaoli i dadalak - to wag the tail
nachetan - to strain, stretch
nacheton - to connect, stick
nachilong - to arrange proportionally
nadangkolo mas ke i minagahet - to exaggerate
nadaña - to mingle, mix
nadenga - to turn upside down
nadespresiao - to bring into contempt
nadilok - to reverse
nadinanche - to rectify, set right
nadogae - to confound, tire
na'empas - to give satisfaction
na'entalo - to shove in
na'esponha - to inflate, swell
na'etnon - to gather, pluck
na'eyak - to educate
nafache - to smear
nafailek - bitter, acidic
nafakpo - to enter an agreement
nafalingo - to destroy
nafalofan - to let come to pass
nafamta - to bring forth
nafamatkilo - to appease
nafana'an - to dominate
nafanagitilu'i - to pile up
nafañetnot - to wound
nafañila - to ignite, turn on
nafañotsot - to reform
nafanungo - to illuminate
nafanyaoyao - to instigate
na'i - to give
na'i grasias - to thank
na'i notisia - to give notice
na'i pasto - to graze
na'i patte - to communicate, share
na'i petmiso - to agree to, give permission
na'i prenda - to be responsible
nakabales - to perfect
nakachang - to dirty, diminish
nakadada - to abridge
nakafache - to soil with mud
nakahulo - to raise up
nakalaktus - to sharpen
nakalamten - to set in motion
nakalo - to slacken
nakaloha - to provoke
nakapkap - to make room
nakayada - to mitigate
naklaruye - to explain, interpret
nanu - midget
napu - wave
natata - shallow
nateng - slow
ngosngos - squid
nifen - teeth
nika - sweet yam
niyok - coconut

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