Saturday, September 29, 2007


pabu - turkey
pacha - to touch
pachakate - small (growth)
pachang - tender
pachot - mouth
pachuchang - neat, gorgeous
pada - to box or slap someone
padadag - deceit, denial
padadang - drooping pants/rear end
padit - wall
padrigiyos - to chain or fetter
pagadot - paymaster
pagano - pagan
pagat - to advise or counsel
pagngas - to cut, split
pago - now, today
pago finañago - infancy, early childhood
pa'gogoha - actual
pago manana - daybreak, twilight, dawn
pago yan ayo - now and then
pagpag - blister; to smack with tongue
paha - straw, stalk
paharon u oriyan tasi - gull, sea-gull
pahgang - clam
pahon - screw pine, used for weaving
paine - comb
painen basula - rake
pairasto - stepfather
pais - region
pakaka! - hush!
pakyo - typhoon
pala - shovel, spade
palabra ni honrao - word of honor
palacha - swindler
paladat - palate, roof of mouth
paladan - scar, wound, wheal
palai - oitment for wounds
palaga - to slip
palakse - smooth, slippery
palangana - pan, frying pan or washbasin
palagpang - roar, cry, or loud noise
palapa - to flutter or flap wings
palaspas - to splash; to do something superficially; to dabble
palasyo - palace
palao'an, hembra - female, woman
pale - father, priest
Palestina, Tierra Santa - Holy Land, Palestine
paleta - painter's palette
palo - some, more or less, partly, stake
palon batko - mast of ship
paluma - bird
pake - rifle, gun
paken petdegon - shotgun
pakete - parcel, small bundle
pan - bread
panadero - baker
panak - to strike
panak-lalo' - fly swatter
panak tenis - tennis racket
pañales - mantilla (Spanish garment)
panglao - crab
panglao oru - golden sea crab
pangon, yaho - to arouse, wake up
pañite - to strike, shit
paño - handkerchief, kerchief
pañot ales - to gulp down without chewing
pantalan - pier, wharf
pantaya, homen kandet - screen or lampshade
pañuelon - shawl, shoulder wrap
Papa, i Santo Papa - the Pope, the Holy Father
papa - papal, pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church
papa - wing or underneath
papacha - pathetic, touching
papakyo - stormy
papalote - kite; dragon
papakes - nails (fingers, toes)
papakes ga'ga' - hoof (animals)
papatte - parting or separating
papau - a plant that grows along streams
papaya - papaya
papeleta, sedula - ticket
papet -paper
papet asero - sandpaper
para - for, in place of
para - to stop
parada - parade, military display
paraiso - chinaberry
parafo - clause
paralitico - paralysis, palsy
para ma na lago - for broiling, beef for broiling
para man remotke - tug, tugboat
para mona - henceforth, in the future
paranñaihon - attitude, position
para papa - downward, toward the ground
para todo - universal, general, for all
para u siña - to enable, to make able
parejo - alike, resembling, similar, simultaneous, kindred
parentesis - parenthesis
parereho - oppressive
pares - pair
parientes - relatives
paroko - curate of a parish
parokia - parish
pas - peace
pasadero - transient
pasadot - razor sharpener
pasahe - passage through, transit
pasahero - passenger, traveler
paska - fragile
Pasgua - Easter
pasifiko -peaceful
pasion - passion
paso - pace, setp, manner of walking
pastet - pie
pasto - pasture, to graze, meadow
pastot - herder, shepherd
pat -either, or
patang - shield
patas - foot, sole
patas ga'ga' - paw
patek - to wince, shrink
patgon - child
patgon kabayo - colt
patgon chiba - kid (young goat)
patgon na trongko - sapling, young tree
patio - yard, courtyard
patlino - godfather
patma - palm (hand); palm tree
patmada - to slap with an open hand
patol - abdomen, groin
patke - park
patriatka - patriarch
patriotiko - patriotism
patron - patron, protector
patron galaide - steersman
patruya - patrol (police)
patte - part, share, partial
patte gi tataotao - body part
pattikulat - particular, excellent
pattida - ration, departure
pattidon - party
patto - midwife
pau - scent, odor, aroma, savor, sense of smell
paupau - fragrant
pausa - pause
pausado - leisurely
payaya - frigate bird
payo - parasol,unmrella
payon - skilled, experienced, to become accustomed
pechau - to run away, jump
pecho - chest
pedasito - slice, scrap, thin piece, atom, particle
pedaso - block of wood, stone
pedason magagu ni dalalai - tape, narrow band of cloth
pedason tano - region of a country
pega - to set, place in position, to stick
peka - office
pekado beniat - venial sin
pekadot - sinner
pekno - murderous, cruel
peligro - danger, peril
peligroso - dangerous, risky
peludo - hairy, wooly
pena de muette - death penalty
peniti - full of grief
penitensia - penance, atonement
penitiyiye - sympathizing, grateful
pennga, kostumbre - custom
pension - pension
penta - to draw, sketch
peon - day laborer
pepega' - cone shell
pepino - cucumber
pepitas - seed, kernel
peras - pear
periodo - period, span of time
perito - expert
pes - pitch
pesa, minakat - to weigh, weight
pesadot - scale, balance
pesadumbre - anger, vexation
peskadot, talayero - fisherman
peson - to pound, ram
pespes - to rustle, to murmur
peste - pestilence, plague
petbetso - infamous, wicked
petde - to overcome, subdue
petdon - forgiveness, pardon
petfekto - ideal, perfect
pethudika, inakacha - to impair, prejudice, to do damage
pethuisio - harm, loss, to lose
petlas - pearl
petmanente - permanent
petmite - to permit, to consent
petrolio - petroleum
petsan - to rebound, to recoil
petsige - to persecute or pursue
petsona - person
pettenese - to pertain to
piano - piano
pi'ao - reed, bamboo
pi'ao lahi - thorny type of bamboo
pi'ao palao'an - smooth type of bamboo
piesa - piece of cloth
pietna - bone, leg
piga - giant taro
pika - spicy or sharp
pikaro - pervert, man without honor, villain
pikatdia - roguery
piknik - picnic
piko - spout, beak
pi'ot - sour plum
pikols - cucumber
piloto - pilot
piloton aire - aviator
pilotuye - to pilot
pimienta - pepper
piña - pineapple
pinadesi - grievance, a sense of wrong, agony
pinagat - counsel, advice
pinalakse - fluent in speech
pinalala - to hurry, to be hasty
pinalalala - scrupulous
pinañot - gulp, dram
pinareho - identical, likeness
pinarehon i dos raya punta a punta - parallel
pinatgon - infancy, early childhood
pinaupau - spice
pinayon - dexterity
pineble - poverty, penury
pinekat - walk
pineksai - propagation
pinelo - stock, store
pinengle - restriction
pinenta - draft, sketch, painting
pinetsige' - persecution
pinigan - glow of burning coals, charcoal
pinine - refusal, rejection
pinino maisa - suicide
pinite - grief, sorrow
pinitiye - to grieve, lament
pino - pine tree
pinto - free will, caprice
pintura - paint, enamel
pipa - barrel
i pipenta - painter
pipinu - a type of watermelon: small, yellow
pipupu - type of fish
pirata - pirate
pisara - slate
piso - floor
pistola - pistol
pitdora - pill, medicine
plaito - to litigate, contest in a court of law
plaiton familia - feud
plalanta - founder, builder
planas - plains
plancha - picture
planchansin - corrugated iron
planeta - planet
plano - plan
planta - to institute, till the fields
planta i lamasa - set the table
plantasma - spook, a certain type of ghost
plantet - nursery
plasa - plaza
plaso - respite, term, fixed term
plata - silver
platea - silver
platero - silversmith
plato - dish, platter
platon fonografo - phonographic record
pliego - sheet of paper
plomiso - made of lead
plomo - lead
pluma - feather
plumahe - plumage
poblasion - population
poble - poor
podlilo - spoiled, offensive, foul
podong - to tumble or fall
podonghalom - to collapse, break down
poesia - poetry
pokat - to step, tread
pokat taiguihi i pokat kabayo - trot
pokpok - sore, ulcer
poksai - to fatten
poksen - to spoil, to become foul in odor
politiko - polite; political
po'lo - to put; to permit
polonñaihon - to interrupt, hold up
polonon - black filefish
ponedera - brood hen
pongle - to imprison
ponson - bodkin
pontan - fallen coconut
popa - stern of a ship
popodong -falling, sinking
posible - possible
posision - position
positibo - positive
poso - well
postiso - support, platform
postre - dessert
pot - because
potahe - mush, broth
potbola - powder
potbolan pake - gunpowder
potbos - fog
potbos katbon - coal dust
pot enao - thus, so then
pot espasio de - while, during the time that
potfia - to molest
potfiao - inflexible, rigid
pot fin - finally
pot i fuetsa - forcible, violent
potga - cathartic medicine
potgas - flea
poto - rice cake
potpot - thick, wide
potpot labiosña - thick-lipped
potkeria - trifle
pot sea akaso, yanggin - in case
potso - shrewd; marksman
potta - door
pottamoneda - purse
poyo - young rooster
poyon duendes - sponge, mushroom
praktiko, esperimentao - usage
prenda - sign, mark, token
prensa - iron
prensa para fugo laña o asaite - wine press, oil press
prensipiante, aprendis - novice, beginner
prepara - to prepare
preparye - to equip
presa - river dam; stem; resist
presensia - attendance
presio - price, to prize
presion aminudo - retail price
presision - precision
presiso - certain
preso - to capture, take prisoner
presomido - ill-natured, rough
presta - to lend
prestada - loan
pribilegio - privilege
primabera - spring
primerisa - first birth
primet biahe - to use for the first time
primo - cousin
prinemete - promise, vow
prinepara - preparation
prinsipat - principal; capital; important
prinsipatmente - mainly
prinsipio - start
prision - prison
prisionero - prisoner
probecho - advantage, gain, yield
probechoso - useful, lucrative
probinsia - to supply with food
probision nengkanno - food ration
problema - problem
probokatibo - provoking
prokura - to procure
prodigo - spendthrift, gallant
produktoso - fruitful
profana - profane
profeta - prophet
prohibe - to prohibit
promesa - security, pledge
promete - to promise
pronunsia - to pronounce
propiedat tano - real estate
propietario - landlord
propio, umaya - becoming, proper
propone - to propose
proposision - proposition
propatsion - proportion
protektot - guardian, protector
protehe - to protect
protesta - to protest
prueba - to verify; evidence, testimony
pruibido - forbidden
publika - to divulge, publish
publikao - notoriety, publicly known
publiko - general, public
puenge - night
puetka - female pig
puetto - port
puetton seguro - safe haven
pugas - uncooked rice
pugua - betel but
puge - to feed
pugi - to decoy, allure into danger
puha - to overthrow; loam
puhot - to oppress
pula - to explain, solve
pulan - moon, month; keep watch
pulaon - soluble
pulatat - water hen
pulido - polished
pulo - hair, pubic hair
pulon ga'ga' - animal fur
pulon mannok - feathers
pulon tengho - mane
pumalalapa - a flap
pumara - pause
pumaranñaihon - tp loiter or linger, to hesitate
pumareho - equivalent
pumayaya - adrift
puminite - to regret, rue
pumokpok - inflating, swelling
pune - to recant or deny
punen maisa - self-control, self-denial
puno' - turn off/kill
puno' maisa - to commit suicide
punta - point
puntan achai - point of the chin
puntan hasta - top of the mast
puntan osgo - top of a mountain
puntat - bracket
puntero - stick, pointer
puntuat -punctual
pupuenge - evening
puro - merely, simply
puta - whore
puten chachak - colic
putgada - inch
puti - pain
puti'on - star
putlilo - to rot or spoil
putpito - pulpit
putseras - bracelet
putso - pulse

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