a'ada - mimicker, mocker
a'aga - wrasses (fish)
a'amte - healer
a'aposta - gambler
a'arekla - repairman
a'atte - magician, clairvoyant
a'ayuda - helper
a'baba - feeble-minded
a'ñao - overpower
ababang - butterfly fish, angel fish
abahu - cleared land
abak - lost, astray
abalansa - balance
abandonao - abandoned
abas - guava
abeha - bee, honeybee
abiba - incite, inspire
abietto - open
abirigua - to question, interrogate
abisa - advise, notify
abona - take sides (in a discussion, etc.)
achakma' - shacking up, having an affair
achataotao - peer, people of equal age
acho' - rock
achom - sneeze
achoti - seeds for coloring rice (hineksa' agaga')
adahi - caution
adda' - ridicule, copy
addak - to hit, strike hard
addeng - feet, leg
addet - strict, severe
adespatta - disconnect
addo' - sea grapes
adibina - to prophesize, foretell
adimas - rather than
adingan - converse, talk
adinganiyi - to intercede for someone
adingu - departure
adios - good-bye
adora - adore, worship
adotgan - hole, tunnel
adotna - to decorate or beautify
adotteru - adulterer
adu - to spy on, watch, peep
aduana - taxes
a'duko' - idiot
adulisensia - adolescence
adumidide - little by little
afabilidat - friendliness, courtesy
afa'fa - armpit
afagao - husky voice
afa'maolek - to collabrate (group work)
afekta - to affect
afitma - to affirm
aflitu - fry afloha - slacken, loosen
afuera - keep out
afuetsao - obligation
aga' - banana (ripe)
aga'ga' - neck
agaga' - red
agaliya - stretcher for carrying someone
agang - call
agaode - to cross one's legs
agapa' - right direction
agara - grab, claim
agguas - infant mullets (fish)
agila - eagle
agon - starchy food
Agosto - August
ago'te - shake or hold hands
agradesi - appreciate
agua bendita - Holy water
aguaguati - fight, disagree
agululumi - to gang up, band together
agumento - argument
agupa' - tomorrow
agupan'na - day after tomorrow
ahe' - no ahu - coconut pudding
ai - ouch, wow aire - air
akague - left direction
akgang - loud
akidi - so much time passing
akka' - bite
aklara - to declare
alageta - avocado
alamle - cable, wire
alapat - parallel
alileng - cone shell
alu - baracuda (fish)
aluda - groupers (fish)
alula - hurry
amariyu - yellow
amkko' - old
amot - medicine
amot gapotulu - hair spray
amotsa - breakfast, lunch
anakko' - long
angglo - dry
aniyu - ring for finger
anonas - custard or sugar apple
antigu - ancient, primitive
antios - eyeglasses
años - age, years
apaga - shoulder
a'paka' - white
apasi - pay
aposta - bet, wager
applacha' - dirty
arekla - fix, repair
arina - flour
asagua - marry
asagua - spouse
Asaina - Lord, God
asiga - salt
asukat - sugar
asuli - eel (salt or fresh water)
atadok - eyes
atan - look at
atdao - sun
ates - sweetsop, sugar apple
atmangao - spotted sea crab
atmayas - oatmeal
atopulang - sea crab
atrasao - late
attamobet - automobile (this is mostly used in Guam, not elsewhere)
atuhong laggua - parrotfish (very large)
atulai - mackerel
atuli - porridge
ayao - borrow
ayu - that
ayuda - help, assist
ayuyu - coconut crab
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