dadau - sharp, keen
daddek - young coconut
dado - dice
dagan - buttocks, hips
daggan - buttocks
daggao - throw
dagi - lie
dagon haya - yam
dagu - yam
dagua - sun-burned
dai - friend
dakon - liar
dakot - to beat over one's head
dalak - accompany, follow
dalalai - slender, skinny
dalalak - to imitate, follow
dama - checkers (the game)
da'ma'gas - thumb, toes
Damenggo - Sunday
danche - to find,
dandan - music
dangkolo - large
daña' - combined, be together
dañao - to damage or hurt
dañgue - timid, cowardly
dañgues - candle
dañguis - rubber, resin
dañgse - to smear, grease
dañgson - sticky
dañoso - detrimental
dasai - to shave or shear
datilis - date palm (tree)
debana - to cut into slices
debanada - thin slice
debidi - must, have to
debit - weak, feeble, haggard, milquetoast
debotsia - divorce
debosion - devotion, piety
deboto - pious, devout, religious
debuena boluntad - of free will, voluntarily
debuetta - compensation, amends
dedego - heel (of one's foot)
dedsiplina - discipline
dei - friend
defekto - fault, blemish
defensot - protector, guardian
defiende - to support with proof, defend
definision - definition
dego - to tip-toe
deha - to crouch
delikao - tender
deletrea - to spell, spell out
delikadesa - delicacy, precision
delisioso - delicious
demanda - to demand or ask promptly
demanadot/akusadot - plaintiff (legal/law)
demasiao - superfluous
demonio - demon
dentro - within
de'on - pinch, pinch, tweak
dependiente - subordinate, lower in rank or position
deposita - to deposit
deposito - warehouse
depotsiha - naturally
derechos/aduana - fees, customs
derepente - sudden, abruptly
deroga - diminish, withdraw
desabrido - tasteless, unpleasant
desaguadero - sewer system
desampara - to desert, forsake, abandon
desaprueba - to denounce, condemn
desareglao - disorder
desase - to ruin, destroy
desatento/a - disrespectful
desatiende - to neglect
desbetga - to injure or violate
desde - since, from
desde ki - ever since
desecha/yuti - to throw away
desembatka - to disembark
desempeña - to provide for
desendiente - descendant
desente - clean, neat, pleasing
desenteresao - disinterested
deseo - choice
desesperao - desperate, hopeless
desfaborable - ominous, evil
desfigura - to disfigure
desfila - to pass by
desgrasia - disgrace, disaster
deshase - to ruin
deshereda - to disinherit
deshilachas - to unravel
deshonesto - indecent, impure
deshonra - to dishonor
deside - to decide
Desiembre - December
desietto - desert
desimat - decimal
desision - decision
deskalintao - stale, tasteless
deskansa - rest
deskarao - insolent, shameless
deskatga - to unload, discharge
deskolorao - deathlike, pale
deskonfiansa - mistrust, suspicion
deskubre - to discover
deskuenta - to withdraw
deskuida - carelessness
desminuye - to decimate
desmonta - to clear/cut down trees
desokupao - unoccupied
despabila - to awaken to reason
despacha - to disband
desparadot - trigger (gun)
despasiu - slow
despega - to peel or remove
despensa - forgive
despetdisia - to squander, waste
desprebenido - unprepared, unready
despresia/o - to deprecate, disdain
despues di - after, later
despunta - cut off point
destempla - to be out of tune (music)
destilado - banish or expel, send into exile, outcast
destilipas - to gut
destina - to determine, designate
destinao - fateful
destino - destiny
destrosa - annihilate
detetmine - to determine
detiene - to hold back, detain
dia - day
diamante - diamond
diario - daily
dibatde - free
dibe - debt, due, owing someone
dibetsion - diversion, entertainment
dibettido - joyous, happy
dibide - divide
dibidiyon - divisible
dibino - fortune teller
dibision - division, partition
dibuho - plan, drawing
dicha - luck
dichoso - fortunate, lucky
didefiende - advocate
dideskubre - witty, clever, ingenious
didibe - to be in debt
didinag - parasite
i didirihe - guidance
didok - steep slope
dies - ten
difende - defend
difensot - defender
diferensia - difference
diferente - different
diferentes - diverse
difikultad/minapot - difficulty
dikike - small
diksionario - dictionary
dikta - to dictate, orate
diles - to excel
dilok - upside-down
dilubio - deluge
dimalas - misfortune, bad luck
dinagi - denial, deceit
dinagñgas - bald spot on one's head
dinalalak - imitation
dinamo elecktrisida - electric dryer
dinaña - mixture, blend
dinañai - turnout, siding
dinanche - just, truthful
dinebit - imperfection, weakness
dineklara - to declare
dineko - growth, increase
dinemanda - lawsuit
dinemo - to punch
dinesanima - depressed, melancholic
dineskansa - leisure
dineskuida - oversight, neglect
dingu - depart, leave behind
dinichoso - balm; blessedness
dinigrido - black and blue, ashy
dinira - endurance, to continue
diñga - twins, double
diñgo - abandon, leave, desert
dipende - depend
direkto - direct straight
dirite - to dissolve
disanima - to dishearten
disatiende - to snub
disatma - to disarm
disimula - to keep secret, conceal
diskutpa - to justify, excuse
diskutso - formal speech
disgusta - disgust
dispabilao - tact
dispara - to fire a gun
disparateria - blasphemy
dispensa - to excuse
dispone - to prepare
distansia - distance
distinto - distinctive
distraido - distracted
distrito - district
dobla - to bend, fold
doblan-magago - crease
dochon - to penetrate
dochon na inatan - to give an intense stare
dodolle - being overpowered
doga - leather shoe
do'gas - sea shell
dogñgos - burnt, dry
dokdok - seeded breadfruit
dole - to humble oneself
domina - to govern, rule
dommo' - punch
donne' - chilli pepper
donseya - maiden
dopbla - bend, fold
dos - two
dose - twelve
dosuk - to pierce, stab
dreya - dredge
draiba - drive, driver
du'an - wart
duda - doubt
dudok - to buckle/strap on
dudoso - doubtful
dudus - show-off, flirty, too much
duendes - elves, small ghosts
dulok - perforate, hypodermic needle
dumaña - to include
dumeskarada - to show off or flaunt
duranten - during
duru - hard, fast
dulalak - chase, pursue
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