obispo - bishop
obliga - to imply or impose
obligao - compulsory
obligasion - obligation
obra na karidat - work of love
obtuso/taipunta/foda - obtuse, dull
ochenta - eighty
ocho - eight
odda' - dirty
odda' fache - dirt, dung
odda yan mititek - shabby, mean-looking
odio - hatred, spite
ofaisen - to seek information
ofende - offend
ofisiat - official
ofisina/ofisio - office
ofresi/kombida - bid, offer
ogan - to go ashore, run aground, strand
ogga'an - morning
ogso - mountain
ohalatero - plumber
ohales - buttonhole
ohas - leaf
okasion - occasion
okodo - sling, trap, ruse
okodon chaka - rat trap
oksidente - the Occident, the West
okso' - hill
Oktobre - October
okupa - to occupy
okupante - occupant
okupasion - calling, vocation
o'mak - swim, bathe
o'mak riegadera - (n.) shower
omlat - to contain, hold within
onginge' - to get a scent
onse - eleven
opagat - crosswise, in opposition to
opan - echo
operasion - operation
opio - opium
opone - to contradict, disagree
opopone - resisting
oposision - opposition
opottunidat - opportunity
opottuno/kontiempo - opportune, well-timed
oppe - reply, answer
oppop - lie down on stomach
oprime - to oppress, stifle, subdue
ora - time, hour
oras - hours
oriente - Orient
oriya - border, end, limit
oriyan - beside, in proximity
oriyan tasi - the coast, shoreline
oriyaye - to encompass
oro - gold
osgon - dutiful, obedient
osgi - to listen to, obey
osila - to oscillate, swing back and forth
osiosiadat - idleness
osioso - leisure
oso - bear
oson - tired, weary
ospitat - hospital
otadnon - to ramble, wander
otden - command, order
otdena - to decree, direct, ordain
otdinario - customary, ordinary
otdinario na taotao - common people
otdon - prickly heat
otdot - ant
otguyoso - proud
otkesta - orchestra
otobai' - motorcycle
otra manera - otherwise
otro - other, else
otro na simana - next week
ottografia - orthography
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