rabia - rage
rai – king
raina – queen
rainado - reign
raino - kingdom
ramas - twig, branch
ramiyete - bouquet
ramo - rank, position
rana, kairo - frog
rasa - race, breed
rasguno - tear, fissure
rasimo - bunch
rason - statement, reason
rasonapble - reasonable
raspa - to scrape or rub off
rastrea - to track or search out
rastro - scent, sense of smell
rato - moment
raya - line, length
reatmente - really
rebaha - to lower the price
reberensia - to revere, pay homage
rebetde - stubborn
rebista - to review, correct
rebolusion - revolution
rebotbida - to reverberate
rebotsion - revulsion (sudden)
rebuetbe - to revoke, dismiss
rebuetbe - revolver (gun)
rechachasa - resisting
rechasa - to resist
redima - redemption
redito - revenue
rediu - radio
refiere - to refer, sumbit
refleho - to reflect
refotma - to reform
refreresko - refreshing
refresko - to refresh
regalo - gift
regla - order, command, or ruler
regula - to regulate
regulat - regular
regulatmente - regularly
rehas - rail, bar, lattice
rehimiento - regiment
rehistradot - registrar
rehistro - register, record
rekluta - recruit (soldier)
rekoha - to pluck or gather
rekohido - retired or frugal
rekomendasion - recommendation
rekomienda - to recommend
rekompensa - to recompense
rekonose - to recognize
rektifika - to rectify
rekuetda - to remind
relikias - relics
relos - watch, clock
reseta - prescription, recipe
resetba - to reserve, retain
resibe - to receive
residensia - residence
resiste - to disagree, contradict
resistensia - resistance
resolusion - resolution
respeta - to respect
respetao - respectful, polite
respekto - respect, reverence
responde - to respond
responsable - responsible
resutta - to result
retasos - shred
retira - to retire
retirao gi pumalo - isolated, secluded
retiro - seclusion
retorika - rhetoric
retrakta - to retract
reuma, mamuten tataotao - rheumatism
reunion - reunion
reusa - to decline, refuse
reyena - to replenish
ribana - to peel, pare, or cut away
ribat - rival, competitor
rienda - bridle, rein
riesgo - to risk, venture
rifa - raffle, lottery
riko - rich
riko na taotao - rich person
rinkon - corner, edge
rinesibe - receipt, acceptance
rineusa - depression of spirits
ripiti - repeat
ripoyu - cabbage
risibi - receive
riso i layak - to reef the sails
riyeno - wadding
roble - oak
robusto - robust, vigorous
rosa - rose
royo - roll
royon-tale - coil, coiled rope
rubentasion - deep sea
rueda - wheel
rumbo - route, course
rukkio' - pickled onion
rumot - rumor
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