tabla - board, table
tablon - plank
tacho - to stand up, get up
tacho - perpendicular
tachong gi halom guma Yu'us - pew
tachong ni taiapo - seat, chair
tadung - large, deep
tadung na hanom - deep water
taftaf - early
tagahilo - grand
tago - to command
tagmomye - quarrelsome
tagpange - to baptize
tagpapa - reptile
tagpapaña - subordinate
taguan - to entrust
tai- - without
taiachaigua - superior
taiadotno - simple
taialentos - breathless
taiase - savage, brutal
taiatension - impolite, boorish
taibale - worthless, frivolity
taibale na taotao - wretch, worthless person
taibisio - virtuous
taichecho - idleness
taichetnot - uninjured
taichi - limitless, immense
taichilong - matchless, peerless
taikumalanten - constant
taiesperensia - inexperienced
taifinakpo - endless
taifinaitai - imperishable
taigachong - odd person
taiganas - without appetite
taigasto - cheap
taigrasia - farce
taiguailaye - unfit, in vain
taigue - absent
taiguihi - such, the same as
taiginalamten - unchanging
taiha'ane - lifeless, dead
taihinasso - ignorant
taihinekok - everlasting
taiinadahe - recklessness
taiinangoko - independent
taiinina - not showy
taiinteres - unbiased
taiisao - innocent, not guilty
tailaye - evil, vulgar
tailinache - infallable, unerring
taima'añao - courageous, bold, audacious, fearless
taimaestima, taipresio - priceless, incalculable
taimahgong - troublesome
taimamahlao - shameless, insolent
taimancha - unstained
taimanglo - no wind
taiminagof, malagana - sad, full of grief, disappointment
taiminangi - distasteful
taiminaolek - sterile, barren
taimineton - fickleness
taininangga - hopeless, desperate
taioson - patient
taipareho - highest degree, utmost
taipasensia,tenhos - impatient
taipeligro - safe
taipresio - priceless
taipunta, obtuso, ñaño, foda - obtuse
tairemedio - incurable
tairespeto - disrespectful
taisabot - tasteless
taisaga - needy, indigent
taisakan - no harvest
taisalape - poor
taiseguro - unsafe
taisentido - moron
taisetbe - rudeness
taisinahguan - empty
taisinatesfecho - insatiable
taisinetsot - impenitence
taisiniente - senseless
taitai - to read
taitano - landless
taitingfong - nothing to count
taitiningo - devoid of reason
tahgue - to take the place of
tahlang - to weigh by hand
tahlek - twist
taka - to reach
take - feces
take ga'ga' - animal excrement
take lulok - rust
takon - heel
takuri - kettle
tala - to expose
talaktak - noise, bang
talai - to level to the ground
talanga - ear
talanga hayo - mushroom, sponge
talangan hulo - thunder
talapos - rag
talaya - net
talayero, peskadot - fisherman
tale - rope, string, line
talen atgoya - guide line for carabao
Talo - Equator, center
ta'lo - again
taloane - noon
ta'lo tate - to recall
talon humaso - to return to one's mind
taluye - to lengthen
tamaño - immense
tambot - drum
tampat - flounder
tampe - to cover, a cover or lid
tampoko - neither
tamtam - to sample food
tancho - to show
tane - to entertain
tane' - to try food
tanga - deaf
tankat - cage
tangkala - porous
tangse - to mourn
tangsiyon - pitiful
tangis - to cry, howl
tanke - tank
tanme, chetnot - infection
tano, oda - land
i tano, mundo - the world
tano maipe - the tropics
tantea - to feel
tanto - so much
tanto___komo___ - ___as well as
tanum - to sow, plant
taotao - person, man
taotao huyong - foreign-born resident
taotao lago - European
taotao ni man mamomokkat - pedestrian
taotao siha - inhabitants
tapis - apron
taplung - to repeat
tarakito - pompano fish
tarea - homework, chores
tarifa - tariff
tarheta - card
tasa - cup, saucer
tasa - to appreciate
tasi - sea, ocean
tasme - to sharpen (i.e. pencil)
tasyon - wet
tat, nunka - never
tata - father
tataka - sentimental
tataka - to seek blindly
ta'ta'ga - a type of black fish
tatago - magistrate
tatalo - back
tatalo puenge - midnight
tatalun - a type of brown fish
tatamung - a type of fish with black and yellow coloring
tatancho - forefinger
tatane - glamour, fascination
tataotao - human body
tatate - progeny
tatate matai - to survive
tatatse - poisonous
tate - rear
tate - to follow
taten - in rear of
taten ogso - mountainside
tatnai mayuma, bithen - virgin, maiden
tatne - to bury or entomb
tatnero - calf
tatnon - to recover
tatse - poison
tattamudo - stutterer or stammerer
tauhan - inflammation
taya - nothing, zero
taya nai - never, nowhere
taya sebla - there's nothing left
tayok - jump
tayogue - to leap
tayuyut - to beg
techa - prayer leader
techo - roof (house)
tegcha - fruitful
tegcho - carnivorous
tegpong - floor
teha - tile, brick
tekon - to bend down or take down
telefono - telephone
telegragia de radio - radio telegraph
telegrama - telegram
telipas goma para hanom - rubber hose (water)
temperaturan tano - climate
templa - to thin
templao - mixed
templansa - temperance
templo - temple
tenasa - tongs
tenda - store
tendero - storekeeper
tenedot - fork
tenedot basula - pitchfork
tenedot i lepblo - bookkeeper
tentago - subject, one under control of another
tentasion - temptation
teok - thick
tesgue - to steal or cheat
tesna - fog or soot
tesorero - treasurer
testamento - testament
testigo - witness, jury
testiguye - to testify
testimonio - testimony
tetmina - to terminate
tetminao para ayo finataiña - fatal
tetmino - brief period
tetmometro - thermometer
tetsiopelo - velvet
tia - aunt
ti abag - not mistaken
ti abmam - forthwith, recent
ti akomparayon - incomparable
ti animoso - discouraged
tiao - a type of silvery fish
ti apattayon - indivisible
ti areglao - irregular
ti astiyon - inexcusable
ti atanon - horrid
ti bibubo - patient
ti chatao - unselfish
ti chuma'on - incorrigible
ti dadage - truthful
ti dinanche - incorrect
ti ebitayon - imperative
tiempo - weather
tiempon ayunat - fasting time, Lent, Shrovetide
i tiempo ni mapos - past, the time gone by
tiempon maipe - summer
tiempon manengheng - winter
tienda i kampaña - tent
tienta - to try
ti esplikayon - inexplicable
ti estotbayon - cool, calm
ti fafababa - loyal, faithful
ti fafañago - barren, unfruitful
ti fafanokcha - barren
ti fahateg, fatinason - possible
ti fiet - infidel, unfaithful
ti fiho - vague, indefinite, unsettled
ti fiho hinasoña - unstable, changeable
ti finababa - allegiance (to a country)
ti gobietnayon - unruly, turbulent, ungovernable
tiguaguan - cheap
ti guailaye - immaterial, unessential
ti guaiyayon - hateful
ti gefhomhom - melancholy
ti gefmunhayan - incomplete
ti igiyon - limitless
ti hasuyon - unaccountable for
ti hatraidute - faithful, loyal
ti hengge - infidel, ungodly, unbelieving
tiheras - scissors
tiheras guma - rafters
ti hihikok - eternal
ti honggiyon - incredible
ti hulaton - invincible, unconquerable
ti komprendiyon - to gibber
ti kontento - discounted
ti kabales - imperfect
ti kahulo - to fail
ti lahi ni ti palao'an - neuter (either sex)
ti lalache, estrikto - accurate, precise
ti liion - imperceptible, not easily grasped by the mind
ti lilisto - unprepared, not ready
tilipas - intestines
ti maangoko - distrusted, doubted, suspected
ti magahit - unreal, false
ti magas - inferior
ti magof - disappointed, gloomy
ti magof tataotao - dizzy, giddy
ti ma guiaiya - odious, unpopular
ti mahahaga - not bloody
ti mahasngon - accidentally, casually
ti malague, aguaguat - to disagree
timalango - healthy (body)
timamahñao, matatnga, mamalahi - manly, courageous
ti manananga - natural, accidental
ti manangga - casual
ti manangoke - to despair
ti mañieñiente - numb, torpid
ti manhongge - wicked
ti manmerese - unworthy
ti mangge - unsavory
ti mannggi - tasteless
ti manpareho - several, various, different
ti maog - fleeting, in transition
ti mapot - easy, not difficult
ti masa - uncooked
ti ma tetmina - indeterminate
ti maolek - evil, ill, sick, diseased
ti mesngon - peevish
ti meton hinasoña - unsteady, unreliable
timinalago - objection
timon - helm, rudder
timonero - steersman
timunok tilipas - rupture
tinadong - depth
tinaemaolek - malice
tinaga - cut
tinago, mision, finamaolek -mission, order
tinakpange - baptism
tinaiboluntad - ill will
tinaichi - eternity
tinaichii - to enhance
tinaidakon, tinaidinagi - truthfulness
tinaifondo - hell
ti naimalofan - impassable
tinaigue - absence
tinaihinasso - ignorance
tinaipeligro - free from danger
tinaisetbe - disability
tinaitai - prayer
tinaitai hinalom - silent prayer (inwards)
tinaha - old earthen crock or pitcher
tinahan hanom - water reservoir
tinake - rusty
tinalo - central
ti namalango - hygienic, sanitary
tinane - occupation
tinanga - deafness, wish
ti nangayun - improbable
tinanum - plantation
tinanum ubas - vineyard
tina para umo'mak - bathtub
tinasa - pliers
i tinateña - third, next
tinekcha - berry
tinemba, tinigua - depression
tinempla - moderation
tinemton - talent, mental capacity
ti ngangason - indigestible
tinienta, tentasion - temptation
tinifok - webbing
tinifok gapanulo yan lana - felt, wool fabric
tinifong - accounting
tinige kannai - handwriting
tinilaika - alteration, mutation
tinina, bendision - praise
tininas - honesty, justification
tiningo - wisdom, knowledge
tininon somnap - sunburned
tinito - shelled rice, ground coffee
i tinituhon - germ, organism
tinta - ink
tintero - inkstand
tio - uncle
tipadok, ñahlalang - thrifty
ti parayon hanonña - inextinguishable
ti pareho - dissimilar
ti preparao - unprepared
ti propio - improper, erroneous
tira - to shoot
tirano - oppressive
tirante - suspenders
tirarañas - cobwebs
tiro - shot
ti sasakan - immature, unripe
ti seguro - unsafe
ti seso - rare, remarkable
tiso - rigid, inflexible
tiso na pulo - stiff hair
ti sumiña - to render unfit
ti sungunon - intolerable
ti takaon, chomchom, ti hatmiyon - inpenetrable
titanos - brain, marrow
titek - to rip or tear
titienta - tempter
ti tinaka - insufficient
titires - buffoon
titiyas - tortillas
titokcha - bee sting
ti tratusan - stubborn
tituka - thistle, thorn
titufok - weaver
ti tufungon - countless
tituge', eskrebiente - writer, clerk
ti tulakayon - immutable
ti tunas - indirect, not straightforward
ti tungon na minagahet - secret
ti yamakon - indesctructable
ti yayayas - undefeatable
ti yodahe - carelessness, reckless, loitering
toa, sakan, masa - ripe, ready for harvest
toaya - towel
tochong - to knot, a knot
todo – everything, all
todohanasiña – Almighty
todos mangigigoha – altogether
tokcha – to ram
toke – stroke
tokpong – handle
toktok – hug
toktok duro – to cling
tohe – to drip
tohge – stand
tohne – to support
tola – refuse, to spit out
tolang – bone
tolang espinaso - vertebra
tolang kaderas – hip bone
tolang kiadas – jawbone
tolompo – top (toy), to play
tomates – tomatoes
tomo – knee, volume
tomon kannai – elbow
tompo – trip
tomtom – wise, sensible, crafty
tomtom gi tiningo – scientific
tonada – tune
tongho – neck
tongtong – to strike, thrust
tonto – silly, stupid
tore – tower
torete – steer
toriyo – a type of fish
toro – bull
toron binadu – stag, male deer
tosino – pork
tosta – toast, or burned
totche – to splice
totmento – to splice
totmento – torment
totnge – screw
totno – lathe
totno – to turn on a lathe
toto – to root out
totot – turtledove
totpe – collision
totpe – to nudge
totpedo – torpedo
toyo – to wince
traban chachak – saw set
trabia – not yet
traduse – to interpret
traidot – faithless
traidute – to betray
traison – imposition
trahe – frock
trampas – trick, lie, swindle
tramposo – swindler, rogue
tranka – to bolt the door
tranka – gate, gateway
trankan potta – door latch
trankilo – tranquil
trapiche – sugar mill
traslada – removal, transfer
traslada – to translate
trasplanta – to transplant
traspotta – to transport
traskila – to shave
trastes biahe – traveling
trastes gerra – armament
trastes halom guma – furniture
trata – to treat
trates – implement
trates guma – house furnishings
tratos – to traffic, proceedings, relations
tratos pot kometsio – to negotiate
treinta – thirty
tres – three
trese – thirteen
tresientos – three hundred
triangolo – triangle
tribunat – tribunal, court
tribute todo, impuesto, katga – duty, tax
trigo – wheat, grain
trinaidot – treason
trinaidute – treason, treachery
trinamposo – swindling, cheating
trinchera – trench, excavation
Trinidad – Holy Trinity
trireste – very sorrowful, grieving
trompeta – trumpet
trongko – tree, trunk
trongkon familia – family tree
trongkon hanom – fountain or spring
trongkon hayo – tree trunk
troson lamlam – thunderbolt
tuba – palm wine
tuban kandet – lamp shade
tubatuba – physic nut
tubo – tube
tubon piao – reed pipe, bamboo pipe
tuka – to tease, vex, penetrate, hint
tucho – to consume (also a word for “checkmate”)
tufok – to weave
tufong – to count
tugong – to charge, attack, or take hold of
tugua – to pull down
tuge – to write
tuhong – hat, bonnet
tuhus – to satiate
tulaika – to exchange
tulisan, bandolero – bandit
tumachu – upright, vertical
tumada – dose (medication)
tumalo – to return
tumatate – later
tumattamudo – to stutter
tumaya – to dispense
tumo – to tan leather, dye
tumola – to spit
tumu – to dye
tumunok – to descend
tumunok tilipas – unbiased, indifferent
tuna – to praise
tunan maisa – to praise
tunas – lawful, honest
tunas hulo an papa – upright
tunas na tiningo – morality, ethics
tunayon – praiseworthy
tungo – to comprehend
tunguon – intelligible
tuniko – garment, tunic
tunok – to step down
tupak – fishing line
tupat – sling
tupo – well
tupo – sugar cane
tutbio – foggy, misty, cloudy
tuto – to trample
tutu – to pound, to grind
tutuhon – origin, beginning, to commence
tuyan – stomach, abdomen
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