yabalak - to tear to pieces
yabao - to reap
yabe - key
ya-hu - I like, I love
yahulolo - above all, upper side
yaka - to crumple up
yalibao - to brandish
yamak - to fracture
ya-mu - you like, you love
yan - and, versus
yaña - he/she likes/loves
yanggin - if, whenever
yan-miyu - you like/love
yano - level, plain, even
yan-ñiha - they like/love
yanta - tire (wheel)
yanto - wail, moan
yapapapa - base, foundation
yaya - to shatter
yayaguag - nest swift
yayas - to be tired, fatigued
yedra - ivy
yegua - mare
yelmon - helmet
yema - yolk of an egg
yengyong, chalauchau - earthquake
yeno - full, replete
yeso - plaster, chalk
yetna - daughter-in-law
yetno - son-in-law
yinalaka - mutation, variation
yinauyau - din, deafening noise
yinease - charity
yinemok - vengeance, revenge
yinengyong - movement
yinilang - devestation caused by a storm
yiniti - divorce
yiniusan - solemn, serious
yo'ase - gracious, good, merciful
yodahe - solicitous
yogua - to discard
yomahlo, machalek - shy, timid
yomok - fat, fleshy
yu - I, me
yugo - yoke
yulang - to break, destory, annihilate
yuma - to touch
yungke - anvil
yuti - to cast away, to throw
yuti papa - to degrade, lower physically
Yu'us - God
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