Thursday, March 20, 2008

Huebes Santo yan i Matuna na Magagon Jesukristo - Holy Thursday and The Holy Shroud

Huebes Santo is a profound and elaborate day which is comparable to the Easter Vigil mass on Sabalun Loria. On Huebes Santo, Jesukristo offers himself as the Passover Victim, the ultimate self-sacrifice, a tradition in which is followed by the ordination of priests for the sake of service and humility. The Last Supper served as Jesukristo's farewell to the Apostles and the last time He points out those who betray and deny Him. On Huebes Santo the Santa Misa is marked by a special ceremony, i mafagasi i patas. Anai si Jesukristo ha fagasi i addeng i man disipulu, this also reflected the meaning of feet that is still believed in the Middle East today. To show one's feet by placing them on furniture, touching one's feet to another person or any object of significance, and displaying your soles to another is a great sign of disrespect as the feet are considered to be the filthiest part of the body in most, if not all, Middle Eastern cultures. The action of Jesukristo was an act of humility as to wash the feet of the Apostles was an act of lowering oneself for the service and care for your fellow human being. In the Santa Misa, 12 people are chosen to have their feet washed by the pale or bishop, representing the 12 Apostles. This also is a reflection of the Jewish ritual cleaning of one's home in preparation of the Passover which begins on April 19th of this year.

This is also the day of the 'Chrism Mass' where the blessing of the Oil of Chrism used for Bautismo and Konfetmasion takes place. Tha Santa Misa for Huebes Santo is celebrated in an evening mass because Passover begins at sundown. This is the expression of the importance Yu'us places on selfless service and humility. This day also offers a similar celebration of Passover in which certain foods such as lamb and unleavened bread are made according to the book of Exodus. The Passover Seder commemorates the connection of Christianity and Judaism. It's neither meant to be a re-enactment of i Uttimo na Sena nor an official Jewish service or rite. However, the significance is placed upon recalling history in the study and practice of religion. This first day of the Easter Triduum is a day where you can begin abstinence of meat and fasting, but some choose to officially begin Friday.

Huebes Santo - Holy Thursday
Sabalun Loria - Holy Saturday
I mafagasi i patas - washing of the feet
Anai si Jesukristo ha fagasi i addeng i man disipulu - Jesus washes the feet of His Disciples
Jesukristo - Jesus Christ
Santa Misa - Holy Mass
Pale - Priest
Bautismo - Baptism
Konfetmasion - Confirmation
Yu'us - God
I Uttimo na Sena - The Last Supper

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