Monday, March 17, 2008

Ramos - Palm Sunday

Ramos is the sixth and last Sunday of Kuaresma and start of Semana Santa. Part of the ceremonies of the day are the bendision of the patma, the lukao, and the Santa Misa which includes the Passion. On the attat, branches of patma are placed between the danges instead of flores ordinarily used. The pale sprinkles the patma with pila agua bendita, passes the insensio over them, and, after another tinayuyut, passes the patma bendita about.

When you want to bless a house, the patma is used after it has had time to dry and taken out of it's shape if it's a cross before burning.

Ramos - Palm Sunday
Kuaresma - Lent
Semana Santa - Holy Week
bendision - blessing
patma - palm
patma bendita - blessed palm
lukao - procession
Santa Misa - Holy Mass
attat - altar
danges - candles
flores - flowers
pale - priest
pila agua bendita - holy water
insensio - incense
tinayuyut - prayer

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