fa'andi - to flatter someone
fa'añao - fearless
fababa - to dupe
fababayon - gullible
faborito - favorite
fabot - favor
fabrika - factory
fabula - fable
fachada - facade, front
fa'chalan - to make room
fache' - mud
fachocho - to work, labor
fadang - federico tree
fa'et - salty
fafababa - swindler, impostor, fraud
fafahan - buyer
fafalago - runner, racer
fahan - buy
faisen - ask
fakae - to share, part
fakanate - to dig a moat or gutter
fakte - catch rain water, tap tree sap
falagu - run
falagui - go and get
famagu'on - children
famalao'an - females
fa'maolek - fix
familia - family
fan - polite particle
fa'na'gue - teach
fanaguiyon - docile, easy to control
fanaitai - read, say prayers
fanala'an - clothes line
fanatugan - hiding place
fandanggo - wedding party
fangana - victory
fanhaluman - filter, passage
fanigue - to distinguish oneself
fanihi - bat
fanmatayan - vital
fanola'an - window
fanomagan - bathtub
fano'makan - shower room, swimming place
fañago - to give birth
fañaki - to rob
fañata'anan - rainy season
fañotsot - to regret
fantasioso - braggart
fata - to expose, display
fata'chong - sit down
fatinas - cook, make
fatinason - possible
fatkiluye - to keep quiet or keep secret
fatmasia - pharmacy
fatoigue - to inspect, overlook
fatpai - to honor
fatso - false
fatta - absent, to lack
fatto - arrive
faya - anchovies
faye - sly, wise, skillful
fe - fidelity, integrity
Febreru - February
fecho - date
fehman - furious, violent
fektos - merchandise, goods
felis - fortunate
felisita - to wish happiness to
fenso - seed, stone
fiadot - surety
fiansa - security, bail
figan - to glow
figura - model, figure
figurin - fashion patterns
fiho - sure
fila - to file
filak - to braid hair
filo - edge
fin - end
fina' - that which is
fina'denne' - hot sauce
finahan - purchase
finakpo - end, conclusion
finalagaihon - indiscretion, slipping
fina'maipe' - made hot, warm up(food)
finamames - sweets
finamta - fertility
fina'tinas - prepare food
fine'na - first
finene'na - first
finilak - basketweaving, braided work
fininut - bundle
fino' - language, speak
finu - smooth
fio - actual
fion - beside, near
fitma - to sign
fitme - strong, firm
flecha - arrow
flete - freight
florero - urn
flores - flower
foda - dull
fo'fo' - to snort
fofona - go ahead!
fogon - stove
fogonero - fireman
fogse - to milk (i.e. a cow)
foggon - stove, barbeque pit
fohmo - damselfish
fo'na - ahead, be first
fondo - foundation, base
fondon tasi - sea floor
fonhayan - to finish
fonton - to belch
forastero - foreign
fotgon - wet
fotma - to form
fotmat - serious, grave
fotmasion - formation
fotnido - sturdy
fottalesa - fertility
fotte - powerful, strong in taste
fottuna - fortune
franela - undershirt
franko - frank, honest, outspoken
frasko - flask
freno - rein
fresa - strawberries
fresko - fresh, cool
frihon - to question, quiz
frion - fool, snob, idiot
frionera - folly
fritadan babui - pork chitterling
fritadan guaka - beef chitterling
fritadan mannok - chicken chitterling
frumeona - to talk silly
fuera de - outside of
fuetsa - power, strength
fuetsao - involuntary
fuette - vigorous, strong
fufatta – insane
fugo' - wring, squeeze
fuhut - to bind lossely
fumiga - to fumigate
fumitme - to become strong
funas - to eradicate, erase, lose color, wither
funda - pillowcase
fundamento - fundamental
funut - to fasten
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