gacha - step on, catch up with
gachai - ax
ga'chong - partner, companion
gada - unripe, uncooked
gadao - grouper fish
gadbo - handsome
gaddo' - wild yam
gade - to snag, get cuaght (clothing)
gadon - to complicate
gafo' - coconut, nearly ripe
ga'ga' - animal, insect, vermin
gago - lazy
gagot - flint stone
gai - have something
gaianimo! - have courage!
gaibale - to be worth
gaibatbas - bearded
gaibittud - energetic
gaifigura - well-built
gaiganansia - profitable
gaige - be present, here, opposite of absent, stative verb
gaihetdan - bothersome
gaihinaso - reasonable
gaihumatsamiento - rebellious
gai'isao - sinner, debtor
gaikulot - multi-colored
gaisensia - common sense
gakumuentos - a babbler, rambler
ga'lagu - dog
galaide' - canoe
galon - gallon
galute - to beat
gamamaisen - inquisitive
ga'man'uga - flatterer
ga'mimo - quarrelsome
gamson - octopus
gana - win
ganadot - winner, champion
ganansia - profit
ganas - desire, appetite
gane - to run aground
ganso - goose
ga'ña - prefer
ga'o - prefer
gaotgan - to choke
gaplaito - to make a fuss
gapotulu - hair
garapatas - tick
garañon -lustful
gaseta - newspaper
gasgas - clean
gasolina - gas
gasta - to spend money
gastadot - extravagance
gasto - expenses
gaston i biahe - travel expenses
gastos - costs
gatano - worldly
gatbo - gorgeous
gatgaras - to gargle
gayetas - cookies
gayo - rooster
gefmanhasso - thoughful
gefpago - charming, pretty
gefsaga - content, comfortable
geftao - big-hearted, kind, magnificent
gekpo - flying, bird
gerra/guerra - war
gerrero/guerrero - warrior
gia - guide
gimen - drink
ginipo - flying
globo - globe
gloria - glory
glorioso - glorious
gobetnadot - governor
gobietna - to govern, manage
gobietnon taotao - democracy
gode - to fasten
gof - very
gofli'e - to love, be loved
gofli'iyon - amiable, lovely
goha - fan, or to blow
gohe - to stoop or bend
golai - vegetable
goleta - schooner
golosina - sweets
goloso/hambiento - greedy, gluttonous
goma - paste
gomgom - to crush
gope - to leap
gopte - to celebrate
gora - bonnet
gosa - to enjoy (food)
gosne - to pull or draw out
gota - to drop
gote - to seize, grip
gotgoreta - water pitcher
gotpe - knock, throw hard
gotpea - to yank
grado - rank, position
gramatika - grammar
granada - pomegranate
granero - granary
graniso - hail
grano - grain
granon ma'is - cornmeal
grasia - grace, thanks
grasioso - clever, inventive
gratifika - to reward
grifo - faucet
griniyete - to chain
griyete - handcuffs
griyos - cricket
guadok - to dig
guafag - mat
guafe - fire
guagse - to peel, shave, scrape
guaguan - expensive
guaguasan - peasant, farmer
guaha - to have
guahe - to dig
guahu - I
guaifi - blow
guaifon - windy
guailaye - useful
guaiya - to love, like
guaiyayon - lovable, sweetheart
guaka - cow
gualafon - full moon
gualo' - farm
guantes - glove
gua'ot - ladder, staircase
guasa - to sharpen
guasang - tonsils
guatda -to guard, keep
guatdia - sentinel
guatnision - to harness an animal
guato - over there (away from speaker)
guayaba - guava
guede - band
guegue - toothpick
gueko - blank (as in paper)
guesgues - to scrape
guha - asthma, pant, cough
guife - to dream, fantasize
guihan - fish
guihen - petticoat
guihi - there, away from person being addressed
guinaiya - ardor, affection
gula - immoderation, gluttony
gulek - grind for grain
guma - house
guma pasahero - inn
guma Yu'us - church
gunus - to sprain
gu'ot - to seize
gupo - to fly
gupot - party
guse'lalalo' - fiery, passionate, easily riled
gusi - fleeting, quickly
gusisiha - immediately
gusto - joy, taste
gutus - to take life
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