Saturday, September 29, 2007


i - the
i'e' - infant jacks (fish)
iba' - a type of sour fruit that resebmles grapes
ibidensa - proof, facts
idea - idea
identifika - to identify
idioma - idiom, certain characteristic of a language
idolo - idol
i'esitan - joker, jester
igi - defeat, beat
ignoransia - ignorance
ignorante - ignorant
igu - jealousy
i'isao - sinner
ikak - to defeat (competition)
ilek - said
ilotes - corn on the cob
imbentibu - inventive, creative
impetuosu - impetuous, passionate, irritable
impide - to restrain
impolitiko - impolite
impone - to lay on, impose
imposipble - impossible
impotta - import
impottante - important
imprenta/impresot - printer
impresa - to impress
imprudensia - carelessness
impuesto - delivery, draft, excise, duty
in - we
ina - to light up
inabak - error, misunderstanding
inabmam - to stop, delay
inabundansia - superfluous
inachago - distance
inachatli'e - hatred
inadayao - to become interested
inafliton batatas - potato chips
ina'gang - noise, loudness
inakacha - deception, to do damage
inakka - to sting
inarekkla - method or system
inatditi - oppressed, worsened
infelis - unhappy
infietno - hell
ingratu - ungrateful
inhuria - to revile
iniga - to caress
inigo' - jealousy
inklinao - inclination towards something
inkombinensia - inconvenience
imottat - immortal
insima - to intensify
insutta - to insult
intelihente - intelligent
interesao - selfish (also chattao)
inturompe - to interrupt
introdusi - introduce
inutet - paralyzed, unserviceable
ipe' - cut open, chip
ira - catastrophe
isa - rainbow
isao - sin
isla - island
islandito - catfish
isleta - small island
Istoria Sagrada - Biblical history
iya - article for place names (example?)iyo - belong to

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