ha'anen gupot - holiday
habao/hakot - to snatch, seize
habon - soap
habubo - impetuous
habune - to lather, soap up
hacha - to tenderize
hachaigua - similar
hachita - hatchet
hado - godson
hae - brow, forehead
hafa - what, matter
hafa taimano - in what manner
hafe - splint, splinter
hafno' - high tide
hafot - to bury, entomb
haga - blood, daughter
hagahaf - sand crab (black type)
hagas - in old times
haggan - turtle
hagoi - pond
hagoñg - to breathe
haguha - asthmatic, needle
haguhi - sand crab
haha - to blow, breathe
hahanon - burning
i hahatme guma/ sake' - burglar
haiguas - coconut shell
hailas - poverty, want
hakmang, titohge - moray eels
hala - to pull, haul
halacha - sometime ago, past
halak - scarcehalañg - to terrify
hale' - let's go! (animals)
halige' - pole, stake
halion - eradicable
halom - inside, within
halom tano' - jungle
haluman - to lose one's life
halu'o - shark
ham - us
hamafak - brittle, fragile
hamaleffa - forgetful
hamañiente - irritable, touchy
hamas - ever
hambriento - greedy, gluttonous
hame - to warm
hamlañgo - sickly
hamon - ham
hamyo - you (plural)
hanague - to go through
hanao - to go, leave
hanaotati/debuetta - backwards
hanhan - to threaten with gestures
hanom - water
hanom inestila - distilled water
hanon - to burn up
hañgai - to want to
hao - you
ha'of - chest
hara - water pitcher, jug
harina - flour
hasan - rare, unusual, famine
hasayaihon - to bear in mind
hasienda - farm, residence, possessions
hasngon - intentional, premeditated
hasngot - ginger
haspok - full
hasso - to think, reflect
hasta - flag mast, until
hasta ñgai'an? - until when?
hasuli - eel
hasulon - slippery
hasusuye - intending
hasuye - to estimate, calculate
hasuye demasiao - to worry too much, brood
hatalapos - destitute, worn, ragged
hatdin - garden
hatdinero - gardener
hatme - to go in, enter
hatpon - harpoon
hatsa - to lift, ascend, advance, promote
hatsamiento - rebellion, mutiny
hatutungoha - knowingly
hatungo umatte - artful
hauhau - sound of a dog barking (i.e. woof-woof, arf-arf)
haye - who? which?
hayeha - whoever
hayo - wood, timber
hayon matutong - fuel (for cooking, fire)
hebiyas - buckle
hechura - characteristic, feature
hechuran taotao - humanity
hedo - to dry up, shrivel, tuck in (clothes)
hefe - chief
helengga - syringe
hemplo - legend
henerasion - generation
henero - January
henguan - probable
henio - mood, mind
henngan - mob, unruly crowd
hentan - to find, meet
heografia - geography
heometria - geometry
heramienta - tool
heramienta para man aprieta - clamp
hereda - to inherit
heredero - heir
herehe - heretic
herensia - inheritance
hereria - smith
herero - blacksmith
heresia - heresy
herida - wound
hetbana - to patch together
hichom - shutters
higado - liver
higante - giant (person)
higef - to surprise, catch unaware
higera - fig tree
higos - fig
hihihot/adbiento - advent
hihokok - fleeting, perishable
hihoroba - annoying
hihosguan - distrustful person
hihot - adjacent, concise, near
hikamas - sweet turnip
hila - to spin
hilera - row of houses
hilo - thread
i hilo ogso - top of a hill, mountain peak
hiloña - over, above, near
hima - trident
hinafa - object, thing
hinafno i tasi - incoming tide
hinagong - breath
hinagong na fehman - to breathe hard
hinalom - the inner soul, entrance, mental (psyche)
hinanao - departure
hinasgune - malice
hinasso - memory, reason, understanding
hinasson atmariao - delerium
hinatme - invasion
hinatme manglo - flatulence
hineka - harvest
hineksa' - cooked rice
hinemeninatan - eyesore
hinemhom - darkness
hinemlo – health, recovery
hineroba – annoyance
hiniga – strong wind
hinigef – ambush
hinilat – power, strength
hinilat maisa – self-control
hiniyong – effect, consequence
hipato – pale, light
hipokresia – hypocrisy
hipokrito/ kado mamamaulek –hypocrite
hysteria – hysteria
hit – us
hita – wehoben – young
hoflak – to lick
hogadot – gambler
hogue – to carry a child
hogete’ – toy
hohomhom – twilight
hohosguan - envious
hoka – to pluck, pick
hokok – ruined, lost
hokok ñalang – starvation
home – to darken, overshadow
homhom – obscure, dark
homlo – to revive, recover from illness
homlo ta’lo - revival
honesto - honest, honorable
hongang – to amaze, scare
hongge – to believe, devout
hongguiyon – by chance, credible
honra - to honor
hoño – to crush
hotka – gallows, execute
hotkon – pillar
hotge – to befall, happen
hotma – to build
hotnalero – day worker
hotne – to pierce
hotno – oven
hotyat – to scratch off
hoyo – excavation
hubentud - youth
huchom – to enclose
huchom duro – to slam (loud)
huebes – Thursday
huego – game
huegon salape – to gamble
huerfana/o - orphan
hues – judge
hugando – to play
hugahnom – to dissolve, melt
hugum – to oppress
huho – to bid
huisio – sentence (law)
hula – tongue
hulat – to overcome, conquer
hule – oilcloth
hulo –thunder
hulok – to snap, break
hulos – to smooth out
I humahalom – income from labor
humalom – to suppose
humanao – to proceed
humanao para otro tano – to emigrate
humanaohulo – upward
humekua – doubtful
humihot – to approach
humuyongña – to result in
huna – poison, poisonous
hunggan – yes
hungok – to hear, listen
hunta – assembly
hunto – fat
husga – to award
husto – just, impartial
hutu – to use up, weed out
huyong – get outside, out!
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