laba - to nail, fasten
labadot - lavatory
labios - lips
labit - violin
labla - to carve (wood, stone, etc.)
lacha - to lay in mud
lachai - to consume, leaving nothing
lache - wrong, faulty, injustice
ladera - cliff
ladriyo - brick, tile
ladron - thief
laet - to hurt, grieve
lago - melted, tear
laguana - soursop
lagua - net
laguaña - soursop tree
lahi - male
lahyan - many
lai - law
laiguan (dangkulo) - mullets (fish)
lakse - to sew, stitch
laktus - thorn, thistle
lala - vivacious, robust
lalache an kumentos - to stammer in speech
lalalaha - to survive, outlive, outlast
lalanghita - tangerine
lalango - fainting
lalangoñaihon - faint
lalatde ta'lo - to object, oppose
lalat-diyon - culpable, needing censure
lalo - fly
lamagong - to recuperate, lessen in severity
lamas - to rot
lamasa - table
lamen - to wound, beat
lamentasion - lamentation, moan, wail
lamita - half
lamlam - bright, pure, shining
lamlam mahlos - polished
lamok - to stink
lampasu - mop, cleaning rag
lana - wool
lanan - to snore
lanchita - yacht
lancho - ranch, farm
laña - interjection, i.e. wow! damn! what?! etc.
lañga - someone who's easily tricked, simpleton
langit - sky, heaven
laniya - flannel
lansa - lance
lanseta - lancet
lao - side
lapida - tombstone
lapis - pencil
largero - shaft (vehicle)
lasa - to rub, massage
lasarino - leprosy
lasas - skin, outer shell, husk
lasas atadok - eyelid
laso - lasso
lastre - ballast
lata - can
late' - scab, itch
latigaso - to chastise with a rod, switch
latfena - foward!
latga - envious, jealous or stingy
latga bista - spyglass
latgero - pole
latigo - whip
lato - slippery
laton - brass
lau - but, nevertheless
laulau - tremble, shake
laulau ma'añao - to tremble with fear, terror
lauya - kettle
layak - sail
layau - to stroll around
layo -to envy
leba i ankla - anchor
lebadura - yeast
lebbok - murky
legat - legal
legitimo - legitimate
legua - league, mile
lehia - lye solution
lehngon - shady
lektura - lecture
lelikui - to surround, encompass
lemenda - to mend
lemlemtaotao/tigefhomhom - melancholy, gloom, obscurity
lemmai - breadfruit
lemmon adamelong - lemon lime type
lemmon china - southeast asian lemon
lemmon riat - a common type of lemon
lemonada - lemonade
lemunayas - illumination
lente - lens
leon - lion
lepblo - book
lepblon kuenta - account book, ledger
leston - edge, ledge
leston dalalai - fine thread, lace
letania - litany
letke - to evade, flee
letran atfabeto - letter of the alphabet
leyok - hollow
libettad - liberty, freedom
libra - pound
libre - free, safe
licheng - fishing tackle
lichera - dairy
li'i - to see, look, glance, perceive
li'ion - visible
likot - liquor
liliko - bent, curved, crooked
lima - to file, a file
limite - to restrict, limit
limon - acid lime
limosna - alm
linabla - a carving
linache - fiasco, failure, error
linailes - wiles
linahyan - party
linala - life, evolution, existence
linala i tataotao ta'lo - resurrection
linamlam - radiance, luster
linamon - skill
linao - earthquake
linatga - avarice
linea - line
lineat - lineal (ancestry)
lineka - height
lini'i - vision
linihan - panic
lini'i i atadok - eyesight, line of sight
linimiento - liquid, topical medication
linimutan - moldy
linipa - cheating, deceit
lino - linen
li'of - to dive
lipa - to conceal
lirio - lily
lisayo - rosary
lisensia - license
liso - sleek
lista - list
listo - quick-witted, smart, prepared
literat - literal
liti - to mix, thin
litrato - picture, photo
liyang - cave
lodo - obese
logra - to conquer, acquire
lokat - local
lokka' - tall
lokkue' - also, too
loklok - to boil, cook
loko - crazy
lo'lo - cough
lolosos - rattle in the throat
lomo - hip, groin area
lona - canvas
lonnat - birthmark
losa - stone slab
losus - hoarse
loteria - raffle, lottery
lotge - to fill, pour
lotgun - to fall in a pit, hole
lucha - row
lucho - acute
luga - wall
lugat - place
luhan/Lujan - worried
luhurioso - luxurious
lukau - procession
lulai - fishing during moonlight
lulok – nail (also: lulok hao = enjoy yourself)
luluhan - anxious
luluke - to nail down
lumagas - to slide
luma'la - to be, exist
luma'la guaha - to propser
lumalalo - to ferment
lumamagof - to relieve/free from pain, grief
lumamaulek - to improve, advance, progress
lumamagai - to enlarge, increase
luma'ong - to loaf around
lumatailaye - to get worse
luma'uya - to wander about, to idle
lumayak - to sail
lumos - to merge, absorb, swallow
lumot - moss
lumus - to immerse
lumut - a type of seaweed
lunes - Monday
luño - sandy
lupis - skirt (clothing)
lus elektisida - electricity/light
lusong - mortar
luto - mourning, grief, sorrow
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