ma'añao - afraid, timid
ma'ase - compassionate, merciful, forgiveness
ma'asen - fogiveness
ma'ataska - to be caked with mud
ma'ayek - preferred
mabira - turn
mabotda - embroidery
machachalane - instructed
machalehgua - diffused
machakchak katan - dawn
machalupun - scattered
machalek - coarse, stubborn, fierce
machat atan - hated, odious, hateful
maches - matches
machete - bush knife
macheten matadot - meat cleaver
maching - monkey, ape
machocho duro - hard labor
machom - closed
madefiefiende - client (of a lawyer)
madeha - piece of thread
maderas - building material
madesokupa - desolate, uninhabited
madestrosa - to devastate, ruined
madirihe - guidance, direction
madok - cavity
madok atgoya - harness for carabao (ring in nose)
madok tataotao - skin pores
madulalak - expulsion, ejection
maenbatsama - to embalm
maestro - teacher, boss
maetdot - numb, no sensation
mafaborerese - the favorite child
mafak - wreck
mafakai - partition
mafak atagtagña - pacified
mafahiyong - to despise, slander
mafamaolek - to rally, collect
mafamaolek i nilache - to right a wrong
mafañago - to be born
mafañago i mismo tano - indigenous
mafnot - sturdy, robust
mafondo - to sink, sunk
mafti - knife blade notch
mafunas - to exterminate, annihilate
mafuti - a type of fish, snapper
maga - early
magagu - clothes
magahan - green-blue parrotfish
magahit - certain, sure
magalahi - magistrate, governor
magaom hinalom - grateful, sympathetic
magao - to yawn
magas - grand, exalted
magas i batko - sea captain
magas na isao - capital sin
magase - to rule, dominate
magefatan - liked
mageftungo - popular, well-liked by others
magem - moist or silent
magguag - roomy
magi - here, this way
magmata - to wake up
magnganite - Satan
magof - happy
magofli'e - beloved
magpo - to finish, be ready
mahaga - to bleed
mahalang - painful, sorrow, to yearn
mahalangue - to grieve
mahangue - stale, rancid
mahañas - soft
mahedo - to shrink, wrinkle
mahetok - hardened in feelings, firm, strong
mahetok ni manengheng - frozen
mahgef/yayas - tired
mahimahi - dolphinfish
mahlok - bone fracture
mahlos - smooth, level
mahanau - to return
mahngang - stunned
maho - thirsty
mahongang - lobster
mahuto - roomy
maigo - sleep
maigo ñaihon - to snooze, sleep lightly
maila - to come
ma'is - corn
maipe - hot
mairasta - stepmother
maisa - self, one's self, only
makalamya - handy, nimble, agile
makalehlo - wrinkle
makamu - wedding ceremony (at the altar)
makansela - to cancel
makana - to hang
makaro' - yellowfin (fish)
makaron - macaroni
makat - heavy
makolat - siege
makone - captured
makonsagra - consecration
maktan - gutter, canal
makuaha - curdled milk
makulatum - rough
makupa - mountain apple
malachai - completely used up
malaet - sour
malago - to want
malago na u sangan - to insinuate, imply
malagon taotao - fugitive
malagredesido - ungrateful
malak - went to
malamaña - uncivil, rough, savage
malango - sick, ill
malasas - bruise
malate' - learned, sharp, intelligent
malayo - dry, wilted
malefa - to forget
mal ehemplo - bad example
maleta - suitcase
mali'i - appearance, vision
malinao - calm
malingo - deprivation, loss, take away, gone
mal intensionao - evil-minded
malisia - malice
malofan - to pass by
malulok - free, undisturbed
malumorado - bad-humor
malumut - sickening smell, contagious
mama - drinkable
mama' - to play dead
ma'ma - to chew
mamabababa - cheating, swindling
mamabehiga - blister
mamacha - sense of touch
mamagasiyan - wash basin
mamahlao - to be ashamed
mamaichecho - to struggle, scuffle
mamaigo - sleeper
mamaisa - solitary
mamakano - edible
mamalahi - manly, courageous
mamama'gas - stuck-up, opinionated
i mamamaila - the future
mamamaila na tiempo - in the future
mamamaneska - to brew, make liquor
mamamta - fruitful, fertile
mamanunui - pioneer
mamatago - inferior, subordinate
mamatai - mortal
mamatatati - to hesitate, linger, be late, slow
mamatate - to straggle, lag
i mamatinas planon guma - architect
mamatkilo - silent, tranquil
mamatki'kilo - calm, tranquil
mamaudai - rider
mamaya - navigable, superficial
i mamemedos - climber
mamehora - to improve
mames - sweet
mamfok - to weave
mamokat - to walk
mampos - unnecessary, too much of s.t.
mamuda - dolled-up
mamulan - skipjack fish (large)
i mamumulan - a guard
mamuno - to murder
mamuten tataotao - rheumatism
maña - trick
mana daña - mixed up
manada - herd
manadahe - to hoard, collect
ma na kalamtenña - transfer, removal
man adanche - symmetrical
manadidide i minegae - summary of contents
i man adodora idolo - idolatry
manahuyung - creation, work, piece
manakihom - frugal, thrifty
manakilisayon - to baptize, christen
manamtam - joy, taste
ma na nuebuña - renewal, renovation
manapayon - habitual, customary
man aregla - ruler (person)
ma na santos - sacred
man atma - stubborn
man burukuento - noisy (crowd)
manbula - swollen
mancha - blemish, stain
manda - imperative, obligatory
mandagi - deceit
man despetdisia - to pillage
man dibe - to be in debt
manea - business transaction, negotiation or behave
i man ekunguk - listeners
maneha - to use, manage
manempeya - greasy, fatty
manengheng - cold, chilly
manesgue - to steal
man espia - to do/perform a reconnaisance
man eyak - instructed
manflores - to blossom
mangag - to stagger, sag, bend down
mangentataye - seller
mangfong - to reckon
mangga - mango
manggas - sleeve
mangge - where
mangi - delicious
mangko - one-armed
mangle - mangrove
manglo' - wind, air
mango - saffron (used in Spanish cooking)
mangofli'e - benevolent
i manguaiya - sweetheart
i manguiguifi - a dreamer
manha - tender coconut
man hale - to take root
man hasso - to recollect
manhongge - vituous
manhufa - to stretch out both arms
manhufa para u - to pledge allegiance to
manhulat - powerful
manhulon - noble
manhungok - hearing
i manlili'e - spectator
manman - wondering, dazed
manmerese - deserving, worthy
mannok - chicken
manohu - a bundle
manokcha - to bear fruit, sprout
mansanan agaga' - red apple
mansanan betde - green apple
mansangan - rumor has it, current story
mansanita - panama cherry
manso - gentle, refined
manteles - table or altar cloth
mantension - livelihood
mantiene - help, aid, grasp
mantika - lard, fat
mantikan leche - heavy cream/milk
mantikiya - butter
manu - where
manufaktura - to manufacture
manugong - to bolt a door
manungo - scholar
man yuyute - to ravage
mañagi - to loot
mañahak - anchovies
mañahalom gi lista - to enlist, enroll
mañaina - ancestors
i mañangangane - an informer
mañaña - smooth, glossy
mañetnot - evil, diseased
mañgagmona - to bend down and forward
mañila - flame, fire
mañila ensigidas - sudden flash of light
mañiñila - glistening, shining
mañom - head cold, congestion
mañotsot - to reform
mañugo - to fester, rot
mañuso - to grow back (plants)
maolek - good
mapa - map
mapagahes - cloud
mapanas - flat, level, stone
masoksok - skinny
matanhanom - waterfall
ma'te' - low tide
mattingan - reef
maug - stronge, lasting
melokoton - peaches
melon - cantelope
mendioka - tapioca
meyas - socks
minnes - mannowfish
motosaikot - motorcycle
mumu - fight
muta - vomit
mutung - foul smelling, stink
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